Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Safety Gear...just sayin......

If you are squeamish....do not continue with this post.

I called the garbage company to set up an account so I can get rid of all the garbage that has piled up with this move. Isaac changed out my toilets while he was here, so I needed to discard the old ones. The company said they needed to be in two pieces. So, I found the correct size open end wrench, 1/2 inch, and proceeded to remove the nut. However, there was no corresponding anything to hold on to on the inside of the tank, so the the bolt turned round and round, round and round. But, since this was not the tires or wheels on anything, I was getting nowhere. In talking with Stan earlier, he had suggested taking a hammer to them so the pieces could fit in a box. So...I took a hammer and swung really hard, thinking they were more sturdy and thick than they really are. Two things happened almost simultaneously, the toilet top shattered, and my calf started bleeding profusely, because I was wearing short pants. So, for safety, I completed the job by covering up the toilet with cloth, then pounding it into the pieces needed to separate the top from the bottom. Rachel was a very good nurse, drove the truck (which she hates to do) to Walmart for needed supplies, came home, cleansed the wound and taped me up. Safety gear, yeah..........

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