Tuesday, September 27, 2011

It's a once in a lifetime event....FOR SURE....most never have it!

September 24, 1921, William Alfred Pope, Jr. was born; making September 24, 2011 his 90th birthday. My brother Charles hosted dad's birthday party at his home in Hesperus, CO. It was a perfect day. The weather was beautiful, in the background of some of the pictures you can see the fall colors beginning to come on. Two of my brothers were not able to be there; Terrel and Ted. I missed them, it's so hard to get all of us together in the same place. Most of the spouses were unable to attend, but those of us there, had a wonderful time. Pixie and Gloria did all of the cooking, except for a couple of the desserts. The meal was wonderful! Two of Marjorie's daughters were able to be there; Debbie and Sharon with J. Paul. Of my family there were Bill and Susan, Randal and Arla, Doris and Dan, Pat, Mary and Hal, Charles and Gloria, Me, Rick, Rob, Pixie, Tisha, and Taylor.

That evening Dad told us some stories of this Great Grandpa Pope, and Shupe. We learned that in the late 1800's, 18 men were members of the Texas Rangers. He had a couple of colorful stories to tell. Some of the relatives were truly rough and part of the wild, wild west.

Charles and Gloria were awesome hosts. Most all of us spent at least one, if not two nights there. As some of us were leaving, Gloria handed us some tins, "to snack on, on the road." Gloria is always so gracious and kind. Thank you, Charles and Gloria for the wonderful weekend. Another memory to enrich my life.

As I was leaving, they were having a hot air balloon, something, in Manasa, Co. It was fun to see at least 30 balloons starting to rise in the beautiful early morning.

These next two pictures are pictures I have wanted to get forever ago. These pictures come from just southeast of Moab, Ut. When I was a little girl, my dad pulled over and showed us the "Vanishing Angel". You can see the upright rock at the end of the range, standing out as plain as day. When you go around a turn in the road through a small outcropping, the 'Angel' is gone. You can see it until the small outcropping hides it, within seconds, it is gone. No one, to my knowledge, has ever figured out what this phenomena is...but not for the lack of trying!

Knee surgery is brutal....

Stan and I watched some youtube.com videos of knee surgery. The technology of today is wonderful, amazing, and sometimes brutal. It is a love/hate relationship. Truly, truly hate the brutality and pain, but everyone we know who has had knee surgery say they wish they had done in sooner, they felt SO much better. These pictures are about 4-5 days after surgery...
16 cm and 24 staples. Some of the bruising was impressive. When Stan saw some of it, the fingerprints on the opposite leg, he could imagine the Doctors doing the work and saying, "Wow, that's going to leave a mark! Giggle, giggle."

England's visit to Utah, August 2011.

Michael and Katie were able to make a trip to Utah in August, the week after England's 6th birthday. She is getting SO tall! Stan and I picked her up and went to Rachel's house, then on to Liberty park to feed the geese and ducks. They don't share very well. England was wanting the babies to get their fair share, but it was a daunting task! News spread, and we had flocks swimming over for their fair share. England will always and forever be her Grandpa's 'Googy', and he hers. Terms of endearment.....

The Joseph Smith, Jr. Family Reunion July 2011

One of the trips Rachel and I made to Missouri coincided with the Joseph Smith, Jr. family reunion. Heidi and her sister Katie are direct descendants. Rachel and I were invited to go with them. It was the first time we had seen England for quite some time. It was so nice to be with her for a little while and visit with Michael and Katie. Elizabeth is quite shy, but we were able to meet her and enjoy the time.

When England first saw me, she came running saying, "Grandma Deidra, Grandma Deidra, you are here." I was wearing clips on my glasses and she asked me to remove them so she could see my eyes. When I did, she put her hands on each side of my face and said, "it really IS you, Grandma Deidra!"

They had a lot of fun activities. Zach got into playing football. Isaac wanted a picture of Zach with the Community of Christ temple. They had great activities for the children so that the parents could go on tours and do other things without having to worry about the little ones.

Stan wasn't able to be there, but the kids were able to talk with him on the phone.

Here we all are: Back: Zach, Isaac, Heidi, Me, Elizabeth, Katie, Michael.
Front: Savannah, England, Charlotte, and Maddie.
Unseen in Heidi, is Caroline, and in Katie, Abraham!
We all had a great time and made some memories, which will remain, because I actually blogged them. It's the only journal I keep!