Sunday, July 10, 2011

Joseph Smith Jr. Family Reunion...yes the Prophet Joseph!

My daughter in law, Heidi, and her sister Katie, are direct descendants of the Prophet Joseph Smith through his son Alexander. Since we were in Missouri, and the reunion was being held in Independence, Heidi invited Rachel and I to go with them. We were excited to do this.

We got there before Isaac and his family, but Katie, Michael, England, and Elizabeth were there to greet us. England was so excited to see Rachel and I and we were excited to see her. She ran up to me, "Grandma Deidra, grandma Deidra you are here!" I held her for a little while and then she asked me to take off my sunglasses so she could see my eyes. Then she cried, "It really is you grandma Deidra!"...and she hugged me even tighter. It was a special moment.

They had activities for the children 3 on up for both days so the older people could enjoy meeting and visiting with each other, going on the tours, etc. It was well organized and a lot of fun.

Zach is meeting a new cousin. Michael and Isaac played football and cricket. One of the cousins up from Australia taught a little bit of Rugby at one point.

Zach enjoyed a little football time himself.

We went on a tour of the Community of Christ's temple. In the film they showed, there was no mention of seeing the Father and The Son, Moroni, or the gold plates, or any of the other miraculous visitations. The organ music was deep and kind of scary sounding like in horror movies. The Spirit that I love and expect in presentations of the Prophet Joseph were not there. I think it is important to at times feel the lack of the spirit, so that you more fully recognize the spirit when it is present.

Isaac wanted this picture of Zach. I think it's a little scary.....

There was plenty to eat. England and Charlotte were introduced to Squirt. In the next pictures they are talking to grandpa in Idaho. Charlotte kept asking when he was coming back. For as little time as we have seen this particular family, it's always amazing to me how much they love grandpa and grandma. I truly believe the sealing ties are amazingly strong, because they recognize and love us as if they saw us everyday!

Friday night we had a luau and program. The food was great and we were able to learn a little more about David Smith, the youngest son of Joseph and Emma.

Saturday morning we took a few pictures before Rachel and I headed south again. From right to left: Savannah, England, Lizzie in the back, Charlotte, and Maddie. What a cute bunch of cousins (and granddaughters) they are!
Back: Zach, Isaac, Heidi, Lizzie, Katie, Michael.
Front: Savannah, England, Charlotte, and Maddie.
Michael, Lizzie, Katie, with England in the front. They will add a new child in December!

Isaac, Zach, Heidi (with #5 due in Sept.) Savannah, Charlotte, and Maddie.
The only thing that could have made this better was for grandpa to have been here with all of us!

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