Wednesday, February 15, 2012

There's something about me and lemons......

The dairy was a lot of work!!  A lot of people talk about working 24/7, but those who own a dairy really know what that means.  I could go into a lot of details, but I'm really not out to make a mission statement.  Milking has to been done a minimum of twice a day.  For a little over a year and a half we milked three times a day.  Don't get me started...I digress.  Those who have been in a milk barn will remember the sound of pulsaters.  Those are the mechanics used to compress and release air in the milk units attached to the udders which squeeze and draw out the milk.  It is a very rhythmic and steady, and can be quite hypnotic when you are as sleep deprived as some of us regulars were.  The best way to describe the sound would be in the movie Ben Hur.  When Judah Ben Hur is on the ship, chained to the oars, there is a Horator, who is beating rhythmicly so the oarsmen will row in cadence.  Now there's a job!  I only know the man is called a Horator because of the subtitles for the hearing impaired.  Look for that on Jeopardy sometime!

So, what does milking cows have to do with lemons?  Let me tell you a story.

To make that job a little easier (little being the operative word here), I would purchase large bags of Jolly Ranchers and keep it in the barn.  Those who milked were able to suck on these delightful pieces of hard candy.  When sucked, they last a long time.  And, as long as you keep your mouth shut while sucking, nothing else will fly in it...use your imagination's a milk barn...with cows.

There was only one stipulation, you couldn't pick and choose the flavors you wanted, you had to look away, put your hand in, pull out a candy, and it was yours.

Now I also believed in bribery at church.  Those who were reverent during the beginning of the meeting through the sacrament, got a Jolly Rancher, which helped them be reverent for awhile longer.  They were in the pocket of Stan's jacket.  Again, no choosing, just enjoy what you got.  He would take one out, fully enclosed in his hand, and put it into the hand of each member of the family.  We did this as quietly as possible, hand the wrapper back to Stan, who would put them in the opposite pocket.  Everyone was happy with what they got, because they got something!

My favorite flavors were green apple and watermelon.  Stan's was cherry.  I think those three flavors were the universal favorites of our family!  If I recall correctly, there were also grape, lemon, orange, and strawberry.

95% of the time, I truly believe this is a correct percentage, I pulled out, or was given a lemon.  I believe my children would back me up on this, and I know Stan would.  Now of all flavors, lemon was the least favorite of anyone, hence the rule.  Since I made the rule, I couldn't complain, murmur, grumble or anything like that. I needed to be the example.  However it did get a little old.  In a 5 pound bag of Jolly Ranchers, there were very few times I got a green apple or a watermelon...sad.  It got so bad that even my children would feel sorry for me on occasion and trade with me.  I think that might validate my honesty in the telling of this story!  I have to admit, here, in writing; there were times I sneaked a peek and nabbed one of my favorites.  But, since I don't like cheaters, it wasn't very often.

Why am I telling this story?  Stan and I enjoy Crystal Light.  At Sam's Club you can buy a container of 44 individual servings, 11 of each flavor.  Again, it's the rule, you can't see what the flavors are from the outside, you pull one out, it's yours...and you are happy you are not just drinking water, which you may have noticed, has no flavor.

Today while Stan was making sandwiches, I made the drinks.  Reached in, pulled out two packages, they weren't even facing me.  I decided not to even turn them around to look at the flavors.  I took the scissors from the knife block, cut off the tops, and poured the contents into the two glasses I had ready.  Both came out guessed it, straight lemonade.....

Next time, perhaps, Stan should make his own drink...ya think?


Anonymous said...

So funny! Such is my luck in ,
Many areas!

Anonymous said...

Anon is Mary.. It is the only way I could post a comment!