Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wood, wood, wood.....

With the wood stove installed and working, wonderfully, we needed more wood for the winter.  There is a little lumber place about 35 miles away.  It takes the bark off the logs, squares the logs, and sells the curved outside edges, for $15!  We actually paid $30 for this pickup load, they cut the pieces into 18-20" pieces.  Which is quite a deal, that would be a lot of chain sawing!  As we were leaving, he told us they also sold the odd ends that are left over after the squaring process...for $15 a truck load.  We really wish he would have told us that before we loaded this.  So, the bottom pictures are of the pieces we went back and loaded.  The only bad thing about all of this....the wood is green, which means, we need seasoned wood in order to get coals hot enough to burn the green wood.  So, we went and picked up a load of seasoned, split wood to ensure we would be able to burn the wood.  All of this wood cost us a little over $100, which includes the fuel costs of picking it up!  The last load was by far the most cost effective!  We will remember this for future purchases!  Did I mention that all of this is OAK and other hardwoods; but mostly oak!!  We are quite excited about our day's work.  By next fall, we will have our own seasoned wood, harvested at Christmastime to use, with the green $15 a truckload end pieces!  Happy dance, happy dance....

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