Sunday, July 10, 2011

Fish Hatchery, Neosho, MO fashion.

This particular fish hatchery is the first hatchery in the United States! It has a small museum area and is a lot of fun. We learned a lot! It is the first 'bubble' I've been in. The kids loved it. I took Zach the first time, but he kept going in over and over! The large fish you see are sturgeons. There were also rainbow trout, catfish, and a couple of other kinds.

We happened to be there on a day they were transporting fish to a dam. The man in the next picture is pushing the fish forward with a net. He will then use a net to pick up about 25 lbs of fish. The girls will hand the net to the man on the truck who will dump them, then hand the empty net to the young man on the side, who hands it to the man, who will dip the fish out, etc. etc. Really fun and interesting. They figured there were 7000 fish to be transported in the run. One of the pictures shows lots of fish!!

Then, of course, there was the feeding of the fish. Above, Heidi is doing what was inevitable, digging fish food out of Zach's mouth. He really didn't like it that much anyway. It was so fun to throw in a few pellets and have the fish go crazy seeing who would get them. If you're close enough, you will feel the splash of their excitement on your face. I love that this hatchery let you feed the fish and really see them. The only other hatchery I had been to was a 'see what you can through through the fence' facility. This was a lot of fun.

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