Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Can you say GINORMOUS?

We have been getting a lot of eggs here lately.  We've been selling some, but we have WAY to many!  We need to see what we can do about it, because it will only get worse.  We have about 20 more who will start laying really soon!  But yesterday we got a GINORMOUS egg.  Look at the size of this thing!  I do not have small hands.  The decorated Ukrainian egg is a goose egg, to give you an idea.  These are not large hens.  We have been getting some really XXlarge white eggs, but this brown one is hands down the largest, so far.  The eggs in the cartons are mostly what the grocery store would call large.  You can see how large the two white eggs are, the carton wouldn't close, but next to the brown egg, they don't loon nearly as big and the other eggs look like they would be classed small.......

1 comment:

Katie said...

I wish we could be there to take some of those nice eggs off your hands!