Day finally arrived...Marsi decided to make her debut at 3:46 PM on October 24, 2011.
These were Rachel's midwives...I say were, because she ended up needing to be transferred to the hospital, the University of Utah Medical Center. It is situations like these that I am so grateful for modern medicine!! Marsi was posterior, but turned enough to be transverse. Anyway, after 3 hours of pushing, forceps were used to bring Marsi into the world. We are all grateful it didn't need to be a C-section.
Rachel is smiling...after the epidural!
Endrit has a bit of a rough time with blood, hence, he said, he has a PhD, not an MD. He didn't want to lose anything, so he didn't watch anything. The container over his head was the barf bowl the nurse gave him. Besides that, he is so protective of Rachel and their cats, I just can't imagine how protective he will be of his little girl.
Nicole was in the room with us while Stan and Phillip were outside the door.
Marsi turned out to be not so little; 9 lbs. .3 ozs. with a head of hair you cannot believe! Rachel was very pleased with the result of all of her hard work, in the womb and the coming out there of. Endrit was pretty happy with the result as well!
This little girl was well taken care of, proof of which is in her little rolls and the dimples on her fingers. It's so nice to have her here with us. When they leave the hospital, I will go and spend some time with what a hardship....NOT!
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